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    Krumboltz, J. D. (1981). A social learning theory of career selection. In D. H. Montrose & C. J. Shinkman (Eds.), Career development in the 1980’s: Theory and practice Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, pp. 43-66.
    Krumboltz, J. D. (2009). The happenstance learning theory. Journal of Career Assessment, 2(17), 135-154.
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    Schutze, F. (1983). Prozesstrukturen des Lebensablaufs [Process structures during the life course]. In J. Matthes, A. Pfeifenberger & M. Stosberg (Eds.), Biographie in handlungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive [Biography in an action-theoretical perspective] (pp. 67–156). Nurnberg, Germany: Verlag der Nurnberger Forschungsvereinigung.
    Schutze, F. (2012). Analiza biograficzna ugruntowana empirycznie w autobiograficznym wywiadzie narracyjnym: Jak analizować autobiograficzne wywiady narracyjne [Biographical analysis empirically grounded in autobiographical narratives: How to analyse autobiographical narrative interviews]. In K. Kaźmierska (Ed.), Metoda biograficzna w socjologii. Antologia tekstów [The biographical method in sociology: An anthology] Krakow, PL: NOMOS, pp. 141-276. – website of the Centre for Education Development. Retrieved 4 March 2017. – website of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe and Heapmail Internet Solutions, Ltd. Retrieved 4 March 2017. – website of Heapmail Internet Solutions. Retrieved 4 March 2017.